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life isn’t always a bowl of cherries
生活并不总是美好的  detail>>
bowl of cherries
一碗樱桃  detail>>
who isn`t always strong
并不是一直都是坚强  detail>>
樱桃 油嘴  detail>>
初始序列号 初始序列码 国际神经化学学会 国际肾病学学会 内码  detail>>
〔口语〕=is not.  detail>>
isn’t there
是不是  detail>>
there isn
马上就可以煞尾  detail>>
the best things in life are always free
生活中最好的东西总是不费分文。  detail>>
and i dedicate my life to you always
我把生命永久的奉献给你  detail>>
cause i always saw in you my life
在你身上  detail>>
safe life always give to nice people
好人一生平安  detail>>
cherries in honey
蜜汁素樱桃肉  detail>>
cherries in syrup
糖水樱桃  detail>>
green cherries
绿樱桃  detail>>
maraschino cherries
樱桃酒泡樱桃  detail>>
preserved cherries
糖水樱桃  detail>>
sour cherries
五果酸樱桃  detail>>